DFW Kitchen Remodeling

DFW Kitchen Remodeling

If you need some kitchen remodeling ideas, look no further. We are your local DFW kitchen remodeling and design experts. With years of experience in the luxury space, we can help design and renovate your kitchen. Some of the most common services we offer are listed below…

  • Countertop
  • Backsplash
  • Tile
  • Flooring
  • Cabinetry
  • Pantry upgrades
  • and more!

We serve Dallas proper and the North DFW area. If you are ready to remodel your kitchen and create a cohesive space that is functional for your family, please reach out using the contact form. 

Get in touch!

The 6 steps for completing a kitchen remodel


Design and Planning

Designer Symbol


Demolition and Framing

Demolition Hammer


electrical, plumbing and mechanical

Electricity for House


cabinet, countertops and tile installation



finishing touches and appliance installation



sweep, mop and clean up

kitchen before an island is added to it kitchen with an island added to it
kitchen design before a remodel remodel idea for dallas after picture
grapevine texas kitchen before picture grapevine texas kitchen upgrade after picture
before a kitchen remodel kitchen in downtown mckinney after a remodel
before a kitchen remodel in plano texas after a kitchen remodel in plano texas

A complete step-by-step guide for your kitchen remodel

Remodeling a kitchen is a complex project that requires careful planning and execution. Here is our complete process to guide you through a kitchen remodeling project:


  1. Define Your Goals and Budget:
  • Determine the goals of your kitchen remodel. Are you looking for a cosmetic update or a complete overhaul? Identify your must-haves and prioritize your budget accordingly.
  • Set a realistic budget that includes all costs, from materials and labor to permits and contingency funds.
  1. Design and Planning:
  • Create a detailed design plan that includes the layout, fixtures, finishes, and any structural changes you intend to make. Sometimes, this includes hiring a structural engineer.
  • Consider working with a kitchen designer or architect to help you plan the space effectively and make informed design choices.
  • Choose fixtures, appliances, cabinets, countertops, flooring, lighting, and other materials. Ensure they fit within your budget.
  1. Obtain Permits:
  • Check with your local building department to determine if permits are required for your kitchen remodel. If permits are necessary, obtain them before starting work.
  1. Demolition:
  • Mask off the area we will be working in and apply protection on the flooring we will be walking on.
  • Begin by removing existing cabinets, appliances, flooring, countertops, and any other materials you plan to replace.
  • Be prepared for potential surprises, such as hidden structural issues or outdated plumbing and electrical systems.
  1. Structural and Plumbing/Electrical Work:
  • If you’re making structural changes, such as removing or adding walls or changing the kitchen’s footprint, an engineering plan may be required before proceeding with the installation of new fixtures and finishes.
  • Update or reroute plumbing and electrical systems as needed to accommodate your new design. Ensure all work is up to code and passes inspection if necessary.
  1. Flooring and Wall Preparation:
  • Install new flooring materials, such as hardwood, tile, or laminate, and prepare the walls for painting or tiling. Our team will ensure that the flooring and wall materials are level and properly installed. See our flooring page for more info on the process.
  1. Cabinet Installation:
  • Install new cabinets according to your design plan. We will make sure they are level and securely anchored to the walls and floor.
  1. Countertop Installation:
  • Have countertops professionally measured and installed. Materials like granite, quartz, and marble are often installed by specialists. See our countertops page for more info.
  1. Backsplash Installation:
  • Install the backsplash material of your choice, such as tile, glass, or a solid surface, to protect the walls and enhance the kitchen’s aesthetic.
  1. Plumbing Fixtures and Sink Installation:
  • Install new faucets, sinks, garbage disposal units, and any other plumbing fixtures according to your design.
  1. Lighting Installation:
  • Install lighting fixtures, including ceiling lights, under-cabinet lights, pendant lights, and any task lighting. Ensure they are wired correctly and positioned for optimal functionality.
  1. Paint and Finishing:
  • Paint the walls and ceiling with your chosen color or finish. – Apply any final finishes or sealants, such as grout sealer on tile surfaces.
  1. Appliance Installation:
  • Install new appliances, such as the refrigerator, stove, oven, dishwasher, and microwave. Ensure they are properly connected to plumbing and electrical systems.
  1. Hardware and Accessories:
  •  Attach cabinet handles, knobs, drawer pulls, and any other hardware. – Install accessories like towel bars, toilet paper holders, and shelves.
  1. Clean-Up and Final Touches:
  • Thoroughly clean the kitchen to remove dust and debris. – Remove any protective coverings from fixtures, appliances, and surfaces. – Conduct a final inspection to ensure all work meets local building codes and your design specifications.
  1. Enjoy Your New Kitchen:
  • Once the kitchen is complete and inspected, you can begin using and enjoying your newly remodeled space.

Throughout the process, it’s essential to communicate clearly with your contractors or subcontractors, monitor progress, and address any issues promptly. Proper planning and attention to detail are key to a successful kitchen remodel that enhances the functionality and value of your home.


Grapevine house remodel
Fully updated dallas kitchen
Custom Dallas kitchen remodel
Lewisville kitchen renovation
Designer kitchen island
kitchen island with pot filler
grapevine kitchen remodel
Mckinney kitchen update
Plants on kitchen island

How much should your kitchen remodel cost in Dallas?

The cost of a kitchen remodel can vary widely depending on the scope of the project, the quality of materials and fixtures chosen and any structural changes or upgrades required. Here are some rough cost estimates for kitchen remodeling, but keep in mind that prices can vary significantly based on your specific circumstances.

  • Minor Kitchen Remodel: A minor kitchen remodel typically includes cosmetic updates like painting, refinishing cabinets, new backsplash, replacing countertops, adding new appliances, and updating lighting fixtures. Costs can range from $10,000 to $25,000 or more, depending on the size of the kitchen and the materials used.
  • Mid-Range Kitchen Remodel: This level of remodeling often involves replacing cabinets and countertops, installing new appliances, updating flooring, and making moderate structural changes. The cost can range from $25,000 to $50,000 or more.
  • High-End Kitchen Remodel: High-end kitchen remodels include luxury fixtures, custom cabinetry, high-quality countertops, premium appliances, and intricate design elements. Costs can start at $50,000 and go well above $100,000, depending on the level of customization and luxury features.
  • Full Kitchen Gut and Remodel: In a full kitchen gut and remodel, you may completely change the kitchen’s layout, replace all fixtures, and make extensive structural changes. Costs can range from $75,000 to $150,000 or more.
  • Structural Changes: If your remodel requires moving walls, changing the layout, or adding an island or breakfast nook, these changes can add to the overall cost. Structural work will require inspections and engineer reports.
  • Design Fees: If you hire a kitchen designer or architect to plan the remodel, their fees will be an additional expense.
  • Hidden Issues: Sometimes, during a remodel, hidden issues like water damage, mold, or outdated plumbing may be discovered. We like to have some contingency in the budget in order to adjust these issues that arise or any changes you may like to make during the remodel.
  • Fixtures and Materials: The cost of cabinets, countertops, appliances, flooring, and other materials can vary widely based on brand, quality, and style. High-end finishes such as natural stones over man-made ones will naturally drive up the overall cost.

To get an accurate estimate for your specific kitchen remodel, please reach out to the ProReal DFW team using the contact page. Be sure to communicate your budget and priorities clearly, and consider the long-term value and functionality of the changes you make to ensure your investment is worthwhile.

remodel and construction Services we offer in dfw

Home additions

kitchen remodels

bathroom remodels

exterior upgrades




Roofing company
